Killer Bunnies Wiki
Fluorine Gas
0044UP - Fluorine Gas-thumbnail
Weapon Level 9
Quest Card Info
Card ID 0044
Type Run
Kind Weapon
Dice D12 Black
Background Horizontal Gradient
Aggressive Yes
▲ Deck Blue
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Fluorine Gas is a level 9 weapon. When placed on a bunny, the owner of that bunny must roll the black die. The weapon kills the bunny unless the roll is higher than the weapon level. Lucky Clover, Lucky Horseshoe, and defense cards can help the bunny to survive.




  • Fluorine has many industrial and medical uses, but in its gaseous form is highly toxic and corrosive


Image Variations[]

0044Ed - Fluorine Gas-thumbnail
Card #044
0044ZZ - Fluorine Gas-thumbnail
Card #0044
0044UP - Fluorine Gas-thumbnail
Card #0044