Killer Bunnies Wiki
Carrot #8
0110ZZ - Seth-thumbnail
Card Info
Card ID 0110
Type Carrot
Background Vertical Gradient
Aggressive No
▲ Deck Blue
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  • Carrot #8, Seth, is modeled after Austin Power's nemesis, Dr. Evil.
    • Seth's pinky is extended ala Dr. Evil.
    • Seth holds a Mini-Me-esque bunny.
    • Seth is bald, like Dr. Evil.
  • Jeff Bellinger on this Carrot's name: "Everyone thought that that was a reference to Seth Green, who was in the the “Austin Powers” movie. Well, clearly it’s an Austin Powers reference. But it had nothing to do with Seth Green because Seth Green didn’t turn evil until “Goldmember,” the third movie and that Carrot was drawn long before then. I mean, he was just you know kind of a side character and not to mention the fact that I don’t like him. Seth, was, you know, an Egyptian reference because the god of evil, the god of—you know—the bad god was Set, S-E-T. But I felt like nobody would know what that meant as a name, so the closest name was Seth, and that’s where he got that name from."[1]

Image Variations

0110Ed - Seth-thumbnail
Card #110
0110ZZ - Seth-thumbnail
Card #0110